Strömungstechnik Hydraulische Netzwerke Thermo-Management Thermische Systeme Aerodynamik Strömungsakustik Motor Prozesse Virtuelle Prüfstände GT-SUITE STAR-CCM+
Advanced Flow Analysis Hydraulic Systems Thermal Management Aerodynamics Thermal Systems Flow Acoustics Engine Performance Virtual Bench Testing GT-SUITE STAR-CCM+

Software Partner

We trust in partnership and believe in business confidence!

With GT-SUITE and STAR-CCM+ we have carefully chosen reliable and well developed software packages to cover a large scope of physical applications. We build complex simulation systems using modular design principles with low coupling efforts. This results in very efficient and cost effective simulation techniques.

Our tight cooperation with the software vendors Siemens PLM and Gamma Technologies ensures the use of the latest software versions and tool capabilities.

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